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Programming Team

What we do

Welcome to the PCHS Programming Team! We will:


Everyone who is interested may join and participate in competitions. We take part in a wide variety of computer science contests with problems ranging from introductory-level programming to advanced algorithmic challenges; we're sure there's one that suits your own skill level.

All members are free to participate in most of the competitions (for example USACO, the RTP HSPC, Google Code Jam, and Google Code-In). However, some competitions have limits on the number of teams per school, and others may also have a registration fee. Visit the competitions page for more information.


Meetings are held in room 2611 on B halves of Fridays. We don't have regular meetings scheduled, instead we'll meet only when needed for important information regarding competitions and for hosting practice workshops. The date for an upcoming meeting will be posted on the main page shortly before the meeting and can also be found on the scrolling announcements.

